The Reign of Birth Controls
One of the most striking controversy on today’s generation are experiencing the premarital sex. This is a doing practiced by people who aren’t married. Many teenagers experienced an early pregnancy so the government made an action to suppress this societal problem.
The widespread use of contraceptives, mainly the condoms and pills are being regulated to our country to control the increasing birth rates. As a devoted catholic, I don’t recommend using this for it is a form of abortion. Abortion has a big deal when it comes to morality. Thus Catholic Church has no room for contraceptives. It may control the population growth but still gives a part of a mind-set that's worrisome in terms of respecting life; causing infections may come further. The mixture of religion and medicine into the social sphere, operates differently and will never collide whereas one specifically intended to prevent procreation.
I refuse to prescribe any of emergency contraception. Awareness over curiosity must happen. Keep life going, focus on proper family building.