The Same Sex Marriage
Same sex marriage is the union of two individuals of the same sex in a marital relationship, with the full legal rights responsibilities allotted to this contract in a given jurisdiction. The legally defined marriage of homosexual couples appeals to many people that this is wrong. Even though not all countries recognize this kind of marriage they still accept the same-sex-relationship. Marriage has been shifting from a religiously-dictated ritual to a social construct that is no longer related to the personal beliefs, or to any ritualism specific to organized religion. The non-stop arguments on the equality is the thing which the homosexuals fight for.
A real problem with arguing for same-sex marriage is that allowing same-sex marriage is much more contentious than allowing same-sex civil unions with all the same rights as marriages. But I don't further argue, for it is their own choice. I don't see wrong with their existence for I also have gay and lesbian friends, the thing is they should know their limits when it comes to religious rights. The perfect thing to be happy and achieve equality is the contentment in every aspects of your life. Know your stand and appreciate what was given.